partner - web pages worldcup-teams
Woldcup 2006 - Pages referring to the 32 national teams |
- Our information pages referring to the 32 countries participating in the worldcup 2006 - including their individual match schedule and results within their worldcup group, as well as the match schedule and results for their possible participation in the round of the last sixteen - are an important part of our main worldcup portal-pages and internally linked from nearly all our worldcup-pages.
- The match schedules and results of the worldcup teams are a central topic for all the worldcup-fans during the entire tournament, so that you can expect a high attention to your presentation as a partner of one or several of our information pages to the 32 worldcup-teams.
Partnership – worldcup portal-pages referring to the 32 national teams |
As a premium partner of one of our portal-pages referring to the 32 national teams we display your logo (120x60) on the top and your banner (468x60) on the bottom of the information-page of your selected national team. Your partner page can be reached by link from most of the other pages within our portal-pages referring to the worldcup 2006.
- Your logo (120 x 60) with the reference "powered by" at the top of the main page of your selected worldcup team in your selected language (english, german, french, spanish, portuguese, arabic). Your logo will be linked to a page of choice of your homepage.
- Your advertising banner (468x60) below the main content of your partner-page of your selected worldcup team in your selected language (english, german, french, spanish, portuguese, arabic). Your logo will be linked to a page of choice of your homepage.
Conditions as per contract - Partnership portal-pages - worldcup teams |
- There is a maximum of three partnerships available for each of our portal-pages referring to one of the worldcup teams in each of the languages english, german, french, spanish, portuguese and arabic.
- The positioning of your advertising logos and banners on the partner-pages takes place according to the principle first come - first served, that means that the first premium partner of any possible partnership can choose the position (as far as this could be relevant).
- The duration of any partner-contract with the above mentioned services is limited up to the 31st of december 2006. According to the general experience many internet-users will use our information services referring to the results and tables of the World Cup 2006 still after the tournament for retrospective analyses.
- An exclusive partnership is possible in each case, as long as there doesn’t exist any other partnership referring to the selected partner-pages.

Tariffs Premium-Partnership - portal-pages worldcup teams |
- On the occasion of the World Cup 2006 in Germany we are expecting a considerable number of page impressions on our portal-pages, but the exact numbers cannot be prognosticated for this event. Because of the good ranking of our multilingual World Cup portal-pages in the search engines any form of partnership and advertisement with our portal-pages is interesting. We offer a fixed-price model for the partnerships, which gives our partners the necessary security for their calculation.
Tariffs - Partnerships (PDF)
- If you are interested in a Premium-Partnership referring to one of our international World Cup pages, please contact our Management
31.3.2025 16:51 Uhr