Soccer worldcup 2006 germany
Welcome to the soccer worldcup 2006 in germany. The worldcup games will take place on june and july 2006 in Berlin, Cologne, Dortmund, Frankfurt, Gelsenkirchen, Hamburg, Hanover, Kaiserslautern, Leipzig, Munich, Nuremberg and Stuttgart. On the following websites we´ll inform you about the worldcup-groups, the match schedule, the results, the standings and about all the necessary informations for your visit to germany - before, during and after the soccer worldcup 2006 in germany.
Soccer worldcup 2006
match schedule + results + standings
Our information-services about the soccer worldcup 2006 in Germany is addressed to all the soccer-inspired internet users and to all the soccer-fans and visitors of the soccer worldcup 2006 in germany from all over the world.
This is our special information service in english language, dedicated to all of the soccer worldcup fans worldwide,
powered by KLinform - Internet Portal Services from Kaiserslautern / K-Town in Germany.

26.3.2025 00:24 Uhr